This is How Investigations are Handled in 2023 – Verensics

Successful workplace investigations require skilled investigators, time, and money. Learn how Verensics can simplify the process by using AI-powered interviews that mimic a corporate investigator.

Nearly 5 million employees are investigated in the US every year for workplace crime and misconduct.

During an investigation your team will interview many employees, whether they are suspects or have knowledge meaningful to the case. Successful investigators must possess a special mix of skill, practice, and finesse.

Regardless, investigative interviews are disruptive, time consuming, and expensive. For each interview we must account for the investigator’s time, the interviewees’ time off the shop floor, Human Resource witnesses, Legal support, and interview documentation – and this is without even considering travel expenses.

The consequences of not responding quickly and efficiently are: low employee morale, a bad public image, continued financial loss, unhappy customers, and decreased productivity.

All industries are impacted. But some more than others – like retail.

Unless shrinkage is high enough to justify the cost – retail companies will not initiate an investigation, which results in continued losses and drives more bad employee behavior.

But what if you could scale your investigators’ talent and efficiency? That’s why we created Verensics – a B2B SaaS platform that uses AI-powered questionnaires to conduct workplace investigative interviews, focusing on workplace crime and misconduct.

You pick the topics. You emphasize your main area of concern. And our software automates the interviews. The Report Dashboard presents admissions alongside observations for you to gain the full picture from every interview.

Verensics is the only platform that mimics a face-to-face interview with a corporate investigator. It adapts question sets and communicates feedback to each interviewee based on multiple factors, such as their actual responses, physical behaviors, and cognitive behaviors.

In just 15 minutes, you can interview as many employees as needed – all at the same time – with a much better employee experience.

Stop triaging cases. Let your investigators do what they do best.

With the push of a button, reduce disruption and narrow down your suspect list, closing more cases in less time.

Streamline your team’s efforts with unprecedented insight into each interview – it’s like having an extra team of seasoned investigators at any given time.

Contact Verensics today to get started.

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